LETTER: A 1:22 a.m. perspective
When I can’t sleep at night I go outdoors and walk the grass (which is healthy). The night of June 21, (first day of summer) at 1:22 a.m., I decided to go out. As I opened the door words came from my mouth — “That is the same moon that shined for Moses!” What? Those were not my thoughts, words. It was a message from God. I was awe-struck, my inner-self trying to understand the words.
I started to think of history: Genesis 1. That moon was the moon God made, Adam and Eve saw, Moses, David, Daniel, Mary and Joseph, the Disciples out fishing, my ancestors, my present family and now – me. How awesome, 6,000 years and still shining!
The night here in Menno is “not a sound is heard at midnight.” So peaceful to be outdoors, look up, count the stars, go around the house and view the Big Dipper (really is big). Awesome!
The Basic Science Book tells us much about the moon, the Big and Small Dippers — Job 38:32.
Have you seen the Big Dipper lately or have your little ones seen the wonder of God’s sky?
It is awesome; it changed me!
Harriet Schaeffer