In front of a backdrop of images illustrating the theme of the night — “Strengthening local health care” — Emily Hofer offers comments on the behalf of the Wyona Hofer family, the presenting sponsor of the 14th annual Freeman Regional Health Services (FRHS) Foundation Gala. Also pictured are Courtney Unruh (left), CEO of FRHS, and Tabitha Schoenwald, marketing and foundation director of the local health care facility. In terms of funds raised, this year’s gala was the most successful to date, with $80,000 raised in donations and sponsorships even before the night began. Saturday’s gala held at the Freeman Community Center included a 5 p.m. social hour, dinner, comments from FRHS leadership, a personal testimony from Belva (Wollman) Laughlin, a silent and live auction — the live auction raised nearly $25,000 — and a message from professional speaker V.J. Smith.